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GasAlertMicroClip Multi-Gas Detector

更新時(shí)間: 2010-10-25  點(diǎn)擊次數(shù): 2082次

GasAlertMicroClip Multi-Gas Detector

 H2S, CO, O2, Combustibles  

Multi-gas made simple
With tamper-proof operation, the compact and sleek GasAlertMicroClip multi-gas detector offers one-button simplicity and significantly reduces time spent training the user.

  • Detects up to four hazards including H2S, CO, O2 and combustibles
  • Tamper-proof, one button operation
  • Incredibly thin and lightweight, making it comfortable to wear
  • Extraordinarily low cost of ownership
  • Rugged and durable with built-in concussion-proof boot
  • Powered by a rechargeable battery
  • Conveniently manage your fleet and customize with your field-options using Soft Tools
  • Multi-language support in English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese
  • Low, High S (short-term exposure limit), TWA (time-weighted average), and OL (over limit) alarms
  • Visual, audible and vibrating alarms
  • MicroDock II compatible for easy calibration, test and record storage


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